Saturday 18 June 2011

The inexpensive Online option gathers speed

Hello All,
Well as I sit here looking out at the rather dark grey clouds, I think to myself ahh, it must be nearly Wimbledon time !! Why does it always look a bit precarious for the championships ??

So what's been happening here for the last couple of weeks, well Josh has passed his 3rd exam so great news there. He's also been in full training for his half iron man and just completed a 100mile bike ride for the heart foundation. Also Emma did a charity fun run last week, so they are leaving the rest of us with our heads bowed in shame !!

The office has again been a hive of activity this month especially the online side of the business.
It seems that more and more people are finding out about how easy it is to use us to sell their property for just £395+vat anywhere in the country. Infact we had a very happy vendor this week who has instructed us to sell his £1.3M home in Surrey, he worked it out that we are saving him a cool £19,000 in fees.
So hopefully a nice bottle of champagne and a huge recommendation when we sell that from him.

Simon has been busy on the finance side with even more new mortages coming out , and some very good deals out there at the moment so let him know if you need and advice on anything.

Right back to it for me. Have a great weekend and I look forward to hearing from you if you need anyting at all.

Many thanks


Thursday 9 June 2011

An Apprentice's update Month 6

Month 6 already. This year is flying by so quickly. Hope everyone is well and isn't getting to confused with the weather. This morning it was glorious. 11am: Doors and windows wide open, jacket off... 3pm: Door shut, jacket on and it is absolutely chucking it down.... WHY?!

Anyway, some good news, I took and passed my 2nd unit in my Sale of Residential Property Exams last week so I am very pleased! 5 to go now and ahead of my target to have them all done by the end of the year.

On a personal note, at the weekend I went up to Norwich to take part in a 100 mile cycle in aid of the British Heart Foundation. I did this as part of my Ironman training which is coming up in July. Corr that has come round quick too! I did it with my training partner Rob (he's also doing the Ironman with me) and we managed to finish in 5 and a half hours so we were very pleased! For those of you that don't know, an Ironman consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 180km(112 miles) cycle + a 26.2 mile run to finish. It's in Bolton too so expecting one or two hills. No wind though please Weatherman.

This week at work I have started to do more with my role as an apprentice. On Monday I went round to a property to do the measurements and take the photos that will appear in our property particulars that we publish to the web and give to prospective tenants. This was the first time I had done it and I thought I did quite a good job. But, by the time it came to putting the details onto our system, the property had been let already, so I never got a chance to make my first property particulars. Next time haha!

The online estate agency goes from strength to strength and Local Sales and Lettings are good too which makes for a busy office.

Have a good Thursday and thanks for the read.

Josh Bowers