Wednesday 13 June 2012

Funnies - and all true !!

Excerpts from actual letters sent to landlords
The toilet is blocked and we cannot bathe the children until it is cleared.
I want some repairs done to my stove as it has backfired and burnt the knob off.
This is to let you know that there is a smell coming from the man next door.
The toilet seat is cracked: where do I stand?
I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is running away from the wall.
I request your permission to remove my drawers in my kitchen.
Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.
The person next door has a large erection in his back garden, which is unsightly and dangerous.
Will you please send someone to mend our cracked sidewalk? Yesterday my wife tripped on it and is now pregnant.
Our kitchen floor is very damp, we have two children and would like a third, so will you please send someone to do something about it.
Will you please send a man to look at my water? It is a funny color and not fit to drink.
Would you please send a man to repair my downspout? I am an old-age pensioner and need it straight away.
Could you please send someone to fix our bath tap? My wife got her toe stuck in it and it is very uncomfortable for us.
I want to complain about the farmer across the road. Every morning at 5:30 his cocks wake me up, and it is getting too much.

Friday 20 January 2012

ithink drop prices

Hello out there. Well I thought you may like to know that in our ongoing effort to offer you the best deal we can without affecting levels of service we have dropped our prices.
Wanting to reach a bigger audience and educating the public about the new way of selling your property through online estate agents, we are trying to set the benchmark; break the mould if you wish.

So please have a look at the site, the great prices and ask away if there is anything you would like to know.

Have a great weekend and I look froward to hearing from you soon.


Friday 6 January 2012

Back to Work

Happy New Year to you all.
Well I hope you had a good Christmas and I'm sure like me there are many of you regretting that extra glass (or bottle !!) and that extra mince pie.
Well its the first few days back in the office for most of us and things seem to show signs of the property market being busy for the start of the year.
With the phones being busy on both sales nationally and locally and renting for both new instructions and plenty of viewings being booked. Lets hope pace keeps going, all we need now is the banks to open their rather bulging purses and we would be away !!
Don't forget, Nationally we can advertise and sell your property for as little as £345+vat with NO further fees or locally we are offering great fees plus a £250 cash back upon completion !!.
So no matter where in country you are, if you are thinking of selling or renting let us help you; and save you money, lets face it, after Christmas we could all do with that.

Have a great weekend. Peter